Finally got around to watching the Lilo & Stitch live action trailer and…. WHY ISN’T PLEAKLEY IN DRAG???
Who’s your favorite Thragg fancast?
I love Twitter
Now that we’re halfway through the season, what are your predictions for how the different storylines will end? And who do you think the shooter is and who did they shoot?
Why people are more concerned with Nico’s casting than Bianca’s. *spoilers for PJO*
8x14 Theory
The White Lotus - 3x05 "Full-Moon Party" - Episode Discussion
Which character is the best written but the WORST character?
I truly don’t know how Mike White is gonna top this season!!
The White Lotus - 3x05 "Full-Moon Party" - Post-Episode Discussion
The White Lotus - 3x05 "Full-Moon Party" - Live Episode Discussion
Jason Fics/Ships on Ao3 Over the Years
Episode 3x05 stills
9-1-1 S08Ep10 - "Voices": Post Episode Discussion
Tips On how to make alot more money on Justplay !! WORKING 2024
When Green Arrow joins the DCU, should he be as politically outspoken as he is in the comics, or should they tone it down? Personally, I think they should crank it up especially considering *recent* events.
What casting would you like to see be announced next? It can be from any project even if it’s not in production. (Also this isn’t a fancasting post)
How Would You Want Him to Join the DCU?
Do you think there’s any specific run that Blue Beetle TAS might pull from?
Who would you have picked to be head of VFX for the Lanterns series?
The movies may not have been great but can we agree that Cyborg's Concept art was straight FIRE
I just hope that episodes for season 2 are longer. No more 30 min finale... i need 1 hr episodes.
Supergirl: Woman Of Tomorrow is confirmed to release in IMAX(In theaters June 26th 2026)
The White Lotus - 3x03 "The Meaning of Dreams" - Post-Episode Discussion
Are there any characters that could beat Superman guaranteed? Out of any franchise?