addressing Twoface and what happened this weekend
Rank these 4 infamous criminals
What is the most Fucked Up thing that a YouTuber has done?
You really think I am gonna take you seriously the answer is no
Lines from GTA vice city starting from these letters
i need to know
Andreas Rönnberg, Developer of Cry of Fear, has been revealed to be a groomer & manipulator
Heath Ledger Was My Favorite Joker
Who do you guys consider to be Marvel’s equivalent of Two-Face?
Who is the most evil character?
Trumping it
Rank these 5 psychos
Analyzing Evil: Saruman from The Lord of the Rings
Anyone know what fanmade version of Vol 2 that this is? I found clips from a Analog Horror Jumpscare comp
Committing suicide is hard
I’m a 14 year old depressed loser
I have some bad news for everyone.........
In your opinion who is the most useless number (image mostly unrelated)
The vampires and their leader, Vincent of 30 days of night
Who’s Worse?
Which character is the most loyal ? And which character is the least loyal ?
I cant do it anymore (TW: Self harm)