So strange
where have I just landed ?
Guys what do you think about this? 😭😭😭
Would Isfahan be a better capital than Tehran?
Tehran city
Am I Latvian?
Screaming guy Kane
Planning to apply to Luleå University of Technology for Masters in Spacecraft Design. I had some questions about the program and city (Kiruna).
Man who burned Quran 'shot dead in Sweden'
the OPEN rite aid i was in today
Pro Life Dude
Watching this guy sit in the cold is hilarious
Places to nap on campus?
Preaching work
I hate never-muslims on this sub
Wounded North Korean soldier in Russian hospital.
My first full year out of the cults mental influence!
Help me understand this enraging, traumatic sh*t
Every Comment in one day changes the map
Celebrated my first birthday! 🥳
Maybe someone also in Seattle knows....
Anybody here from Slovenia?
A rare sight: Jehovah's Witness female in Slovenia serving as microphone passer for the day
What is this?
If your state lost during the Civil War, you can't trash talk.