What do you think of when you hear the name ‘Soulene’
My best attempt at a Crunchwrap Supreme
How Do Some People Always Have a Clean House? What’s the Secret?
thoughts on ppl v heavy Capricorn and scorpio placement in chart, esp women?
Guess my big 3
Guess my big 3! 🤗
Movies where literally NOTHING happens?
What's a film you saw that changed your opinion about an Actor/Actress
What is the core memory film from your childhood?
Any spine chilling “something’s not right” movies?
I married my person over the weekend! And we’re expecting!
What is happening here sb explain
What color should I paint my cabinets?
What’s the worst possible name for a baby?
Just named our son Dorian
r/rnb's Top 27 R&B Groups In Alphabetical Order
Beef Stroganoff tonight for dinner.
I gave up coffee for caffeine pills
Circleville Park (taken in December)
Zoë Kravitz and Noah Centineo in New York
What show was great at first but declined so much you couldn’t finish it?
Spaghetti and Homemade Meatballs
Any recommendations for Movies dealing with sexual abuse?
Erotic Movies
Affordable place to live in Hudson Valley