White vinegar for dandruff?
How do I tell if my hair is curly (ik this sounds stupid)
How can I just tell this person straight up I don’t want to always call them?
Americans, how do you feel about Trump stopping funding for Colleges that allow "illegal" protests?
Is it weird to be called Joven at 35 years old?
Is my hair curly?
People who tried anal how was it?
Homophobic African parent
Guess my height
I reached my limit
I did these micro twist on my hair with weave and i like it but I feel like there’s something wrong with it
please tell me i’m not tripping
How to deal with height insecurity?
I was ordering fast food and I was shaking .
Why do African parents beat us
Is it possible I can get my hair as straight as this lady hair with my 4c hair?
😭 Ignore my weird face, Can I turn my hair into an afro?
Am I Overreacting?
Is it possible someone in the world with the same fingerprint with someone they are not related to get arrested for the crime that person did?
I just got done from watching fourever you and, WHERE IS MY MAN?
Did I say it correct? I need help from people who are native or fluent.
Trying to teach myself on how to type with 10 fingers
How do I bypass this I want to log into my other Facebook account
How tall do I look