What can you tell me by reading my chart?
Need help with getting back to life after PMDD episode
Can you guys help me with these reports, what it means for me?
Triquetra 5-MTHF
Needs a ride home from work. Asking for $25 for a Lift.
Does this seem bad? Or not that bad?
Can anyone make out the writing on the shirt?
This lil cutie pie
Can you feel when you ovulate?
Do my blood tests add up to what the ultrasound results are saying?
I need help
What are some sensory issues that you have that you don’t really see talked about?
For those that can just listen to one song on repeat for hours on end, what song is that for you right now?
One of the questions in my Autism form, anyone know why this changes the score?
Adults who always thought they didn't have the "take things very literally" aspect of autism, what things are you realizing now that you have always taken too literally?
What on earth does "pattern recognition" is and how it looks like????
Are your kids ND too?
Do you ever feel like you will never be grown up?