LF: Shiny Galar Moltres in GO or GO stamp, FT: Shiny Celebi still in GO. (Can add Shiny Necrozma Beast Ball, Pokeball Shiny Virizion, Marshadow/Zarude PoGO for 2-3:1)
Looking for pogo shiny , Jirachi, shaymin and non premierball pogo shiny legends.. ft all pogo shiny premier and non premier.
[8] Underrated Shiny Legendary?
[8] My Shiny HOME Dex DONE!
FT: Picture Last Updated: March 15th | LF: Shiny Mew/Shaymin/Jirachi/GBL Research/Galar Birds/Deoxys/Regis/Zacian Zamazenta/Darkrai, Non Shiny Keldeo/Zarude/Marshadow All PoGo stamp, Events ENG Dada Zarude and Shiny ENG Zeraora Home Event
6 Surprise Giveaways
[Gen 9]
GA: Ash Battlebond Greninja. Hasty. Home stamp
Trading pics, looking for mons in discription.
lf what I need in the tracker
LF shiny offers
LF Shiny Mew/Shaymin/Jirachi/Meloetta, Shiny G Birds, Shiny Regis, Shiny Tapus, Shiny Zacian and Zamazenta, Shiny Darkrai, Shiny Deoxys, Marshadow, Zarude All PoGo stamp, Events ENG Dada Zarude and Shiny ENG Zeraora Home Event, Shiny Solgaleo and Shiny Lunala
LF shiny zeraora or other good offers
Looking for pogo shiny Mew, Jirachi, shaymin and non premierball pogo shiny legends.. ft all pogo shiny. First pic is non premier pogo shiny 2nd pic is premierball pogo shiny
LF shiny ENG pogo: male buizel/floatzel and female buizel/floatzel
FT: Shinies, Aprishinies and Legendaries. LF: Listed Shinies
Giveaway happy pokemon day! Tell me how many shinies you own (Winner would be selected randomly) also share a a little about what you love about pokemon
LF: Shiny in go & Custom OT Genesect FT: I can trade multiple 10(me):1(you)
LF offers
LF Shiny Shelmet/Escaviler AND Shiny Karrablast/Accelgor
lf offers !
Looking for in-Go shinies, esp Shiny Legendaries. FT - see pics
FT: pics LF: hopefully something shiny I like
LF: World Cap Pikachu and shiny offers from tracker. FT: pics
LF - Shiny Unown B, E, F, K, M, Q, U, X, Y, Z & !. FT - Everything below. Willing to trade 3 of any non for 1 Unown if it’s in good.