I am so mad rn
Fastest way to get from Mr 12 to mr17 for the new coda weapons?
Is it just me?
No Adept drops in Court of Blades?
I went from not caring about Barrow-Dyad to loving it overnight.
Meta builds now?
Do we REALLY need to be sending sweaty whispers over Seasonal Activities?
Golden gun damage
Best titan exotic
Servers dead?
I know this is a massive "get over it" and "you'll live mate" situation but I will NOT be putting on the class item for the event XD
As someone who tries just about every Exotic and build Prismatic is so much better than Vanilla classes it’s crazy
Destiny 2 Mnk sens
GotD Water Traversal, Rite of the Nine
Is there any way to get the exotic class items as a solo player?
The Expert Nether Experience
Another 20 billion to Digital Extremes
Warframe 800k Milestone Giveaway!
how can i ulnlock the arc subclass?
Bungie, we appreciate it that we get to test out the new cosmetic Item for free, but if you intend to bring more of that into the game PLEASE don‘t make them all Eververse-Exclusive.
Is prismatic titan still top dawg?
Mild take: I don’t like raid levels of complication in dungeons
I really hope Bungie uses the chance with Frontiers to fix the New Light experience.
Dear DE, please allow us to use Kavat skins on Vulpaphylas!