Here’s my simple 5090 gaming build!
what is most oppressive class/play style for you to play against(trios/arena)
I really didn't think they would go this far.
Good Games for Long Flights
How did we downgrade…
Songs you hope with all your heart Sleep Token will sing for the 2025 concert tour...
Should I marry him?
32, 5’8”, 135 lbs – Slowly making progress
Bow nerf when?
Huge performance boost?
Ranger is obscenely overtuned.
Neighbors called the cops on me for smashing their spider pot?!
After About 170ish hours, finally 100%'d the game!
I'm fine with the mpb cut if.....
Favourite drum moment?
Would You Still Play?
James Roday Rodriguez over the years (I genuinely thought the 1st pic was timothee chalamet)
Maybe maybe maybe
Emergence - Sleep Token Vessel Drifter Cosplay
Make gaming great again
I humbly request to see any custom stickers you have made and/or found whilst hunting
Which Sleep Token song has you like this?
Successfully defended my PhD yesterday. I don’t use social media other than Reddit, so I don’t really have a place to put this.
Goth baddie Nezha