Why does Warrior Cats have such a big fandom when Survivors, Seekers, and Bravelands get practically no attention?
What meds is everyone on?
What OCD has "taken" for you?
I don’t get bullied anymore! (12) to (22)
What kind of gathering/party themes have you hosted in the past?
My most insane ocd spirals to make you feel better about yours.
Anyone else get extremely angry when someone gets in the way of your compulsions?
A simple question for you cat-book loving folks.. who's your favorite cat, and why?
At what age did your OCD started.
Article on The Cut, Lucky the Cat
Never had a cat before but getting one today/tomorrow, what do I need to know?
What parenting style did you receive from your parents and how was your childhood because of it?
How old were you when you started reading this series and how old are you now?
Help with no insurance/low income
What is this area?
what's your favourite dino and why? how do you play it?
Don't Worry I'll show you the ropes
Am I allowed to post art here? This is my Yuty, Emperor. I put him in a jar
amarg my beloved
Best Herb for protection
“You have been my friend. That in itself has been a tremendous thing”
Mod Idea - Prehistoric Dragon
Life (and death) of an Argent. 🦕
playing juvie t.rex, two thassalos dropped a turtle shell in front of me then left???
I just wanted to make a friend :(