Posted Earlier, This My Updated Build After Rolling A Crazy Monkey King
Prefarming Advice: Is Double Spectro Better Than Spectro & HP%? Currently Have Double Spectro
Post-Lament Anthropocene: Enemies — Fleurdelys
Ciaconna JP VA
[via stepleaker]
[via stepleaker] Shorekeeper Concept Art
Ciaccona weapon
[via Step Leaks] [STORY SPOILERS] Cantarella plot visual spoiler
Weekly Questions + Discussions Megathread
New character design via StepLeaks
You can view past dialogue history mid-quest in 2.2
Duelist cup stage 2 has started! that mean Banlist is coming soon! What is your prediction and Wishlist?
When you Ash the 60-card Branded pilot's Aluber
New Eridu's Worst Kept Secret
[via Team Gemberry78] Cartethyia's in-game icon
How could you
[Resposted by Hunter x Hunter] [via anonymous][STC(Subject To Change)] Info about future characters
Do you have a UR card in all 3 rarities?
Is there a chance zani will scale on def/hp?
[via Hunter x Hunter] Zani is possibly a Heavy Attack Damage character, Will be in the first half of 2.3 and also possible Phoebe rerun in first half of 2.3
Best Support for Changli
I got 2 of Changli's sig weapon, is it worth keeping it separate or just syntonize it?
That's All The Prefarming For Me. Good Luck Everyone Who's Pulling