My dog can't pay the bills, so...
Mixed a husky + pomeranian and got this.
Hey its still Sunday and you can post images for some reason so here's a sandwich.
My brains autopilot screwed me!
Had to leave yet another sub over hate
What do I say to these people? Every time a pittie attack is reported people use it to say how much they hate them
Man forced to 'choke own rescue dog to death' to end 45-minute horror mauling
“Just tell me what’s wrong, and we can get through this!”
I got a job at a pet store because I loved working with animals.
I always loved to go to the pet stores to see the animals.
I reassured her by telling her she’ll probably do great on her first mission.
I forced a smile as my cousin told me how he bought a new puppy.
“Do you have any siblings?”
I took my dog to the park, the pet store, and even a dog bakery.
My dog’s death left a hollow void in my home.
She would physically and verbally abuse me nearly every day.
How soft do you think she is? I promise you she is softer than that 😍
Get these trans trenders outta my country!
(MTF) I’m just a crazy goth bitch :3
My husband & I just switched to T-Mobile after being with AT&T for nearly 30 years due to their capitulation to anti-LGBTQ fascists
I don’t have a full tank shot but look at the turtle
Starving baby animals is not ART
Chill pig
im actually so stressed over my iop assessment
Rightfully worried or paranoid?