Making some memes until I get unbanned from main subs or this one rises. Day 8
Making some memes until I get unbanned from main subs or this one rises. Day 7
Making some memes until I get unbanned from main subs or this one rises. Day 6
Making some memes until I get unbanned from main subs or this one rises. Day 5
Making some memes until I get unbanned from main subs or this one rises. Day 4
[KCD2] Patch is here with the most important change!
Making some memes until I get unbanned from main subs or this one rises. Day 3
Making some memes until I get unbanned from main subs or this one rises. Day 2
Making some memes until I get unbanned from main subs or this one rises. Day 1
Hello, anyone still here?
Is it possible to substitute any number at all for j?
New tweet from leth. Looks like some encrypted message, anyone knows what it means??
Find the mate in 2, this is a hard one. White to play.
Are you joking right now....
Pneumatic Craft: Repressurized heat frame not working?
Outer Wilds if it was good
Average TF2 experience
Finished the b sides what next lol
If Silksong comes out in 2026, I will buy everyone that comments in here the game AND the platform they play it on
If Silksong comes out in 2024, I will buy everyone that comments in here the game AND the platform they play it on
Update on my Siberian Fort (waging attrition war against all my southern enemies)