My husky DNA results
The day we all hope never comes came today.
This is my boy Ghost, he will be crossing the Rainbow Bridge tonight.
Name one thing you love about your husky
i lost my best friend yesterday
What husky stereotypes are true and not true for your husky?
The most important singer in the house
I guess this makes up for the ungodly amount of hair in every crevice of my house.
He hides his face and won't look at me even when I approach him because I won't let him out. He just came in 3 minutes ago...
No good co-worker
Adopted this beautiful girl almost a year ago. Everyone please meet Roux!
Till our next Adventure buddy.
Good morning!
Is he broken?
I wanna see your floof being goofy!
2 years healed tattoo by hilmartattoos. Based out of Los Angeles ca
A very small tantrum from a very small husky
“Please don’t kick me off of the couch”
Esme being naughty
Totally normal behavior 🤨
My husky got attacked (again) and I’m sick of it.
She’s a seppala, a husky cousin. Also, hates it when I crush her head
Calling for pics of your huskies. Let’s see them! Here’s Snow :)
Dakota, and on the 7th day, she rested
Butter Bean woke up and chose violence 🐥