New to whole case: posting from another country
Buffer Zone
"How Long Has This Been Goin' On - Paul Carrick - Ace
Aidan Kearney
It's sad, so sad, it's a sad, sad situation and it's getting more and more absurd" Elton John
The DUI Guy. Larry
Samsung CEO dies at 63
Melanie Little is losing it
Karen Read Plaintiff vs State of Massachutetts
Two Different Stories
I understand it’s complete speculation, but what do you believe happened to John O’Keefe?
Lack of Video Evidence
D&E Pizza: New signs?
I Don't Trust Cops, Prosecutors, Politicians, Judges and such!
Attorneys Carl Steinbeck & Brother Counsel
O’Keefe family directly facing jurors.
Get Bev off that bench!! Grrrr.
After the trIal!!
Tomorrow court
I’m afraid to look…
Obstruction of justice ?
New motion on the docket
Dilution and sheasby legal team, my personal opinion
Can the ACLU file a brief to have the judge thrown off this case!
"Cracked and one small piece missing"