I don’t understand how they have no shame.
Constipation - crying on the toilet
Question for people years out.
What’s one thing you miss about pre-gastric bypass life?
It’s possible to get back on track. WHEWWWWWW.
What is a really unattractive male name?
Doc prescribed anti inflammatory NSAID for tendinitis after I said I couldn’t take NSAIDs. She said it’s fine?
Young’uns who had surgery in your 20’s-early 30’s: did you experience dental or joint issues a few years post-surgery?
What do you do when your body doesn’t agree with your goals?
Should I be upset by what my therapist said?
Uncommon protein thread! Post your favorite proteins (and recipes?) that are not Protein supplements, Greek yogurt, chicken, or beef.
I want to bake! Anyone have bariatric friendly recipes?
What small changes would you recommend for someone who isn’t very motivated?
Those 1+ years out: how far have you fallen off track before pulling yourself back up?
What health and fitness myths have been debunked, but are still widely believed today?
Those 1+ years out: how is strength training going?
Those several years post-surgery: what is your relationship with alcohol?
Looking for summer clothes that hide all the loose skin
Did anyone have to re-learn how to swim after losing significant weight?
Honesty time: What is the one thing that you miss from before surgery?
Transfer Addiction
Just about 2 years out and gained 20 lbs. Time to act on this before I wind up where I started!
What are your favorite SF hard candies or other things that help you curb your desire to eat?
Hello everyone! I had gastric sleeve surgery on April 4th. I feel quite good. My question is, can I smoke marijuana over the weekend? Would it be a problem? Of course, in very small amounts.