Feeling bigger, faster, and stronger! 💪
8 pushups and 5 pullups everyday for 15 years 💯
Thought my hands looked nice in this pic
What do you do to feel better when you're depressed?
tricep possibly lagging behind my bicep development
I hate being unattractive
What is the dumbest way you got a scar that you still have ?
Why Womens are always attractive, Pussy and boobies in frontview and Asshole and pussy from backview ?
How old is your cat?
What’s a private struggle that you’ve overcome that no one knows about?
When did you realize you had a specific fetish?
Bald or Bush? Is pubic hair making a comeback?
Who do you think is better at dealing with a FWB situation women or men?
People who are pro life, do you consider taking people off of life support murder?
Men liking the look of a penis
What’s your best toy for naughty time with your partner?
Tell me about a time you actually got scared.
Have you ever had a dream about being nude in front of others, and then woke up thinking that it might be fun / hot to actually be nude with others?
Do you keep the same haircut / beard style or do you change and why ?
What’s your greatest NSFW achievement?
Wierd or odd sexual happenings
I need a routine!!! I have a $150 budget monthly can someone please help 🙏🙏🙏