Aby Idea How Can I Spend That? (I have max Acc)
Petition to change the default gears to Shield and Damage
Finx is the first brawler to speak Arabic! (Here are some of his voicelines)
The era of Iranian occupation and Hezbollah's violation of the airport has ended!
Finx is the first brawler that speaks Arabic (Here are his voice lines)
For those who don’t know
Today my account turned one year
Why is nobody talking about this? The season trophies from Buzz Lightyear are still in the game, hopefully the devs fix this before the end of the season, possibly during the new update.
Just wanted to say that im happy that we have a sub for real Lebanese not fake ass israelis w allah w lebnen
I started playing early October 2024 and only bought brawl passes, is this valid?
Why would anyone buy this
Hello everyone, new player here that got back to the game (Arena 12). I have 1503 gems, what is the best way to spend them for progression?
Chester Hypercharged is leaked!
People who are confused about getting 400 pizza instead of 300 here is the reaosn
It always feels bad
Brawlers that need a CLASS change, and why
To distract his 4-year old daughter, her father has made up a game. Each time a bomb drops in Idlib Syria, they laugh, so she doesn’t get scared.
I refuse to play this mode
Devs though they slick
who next ?
Am I the only one who thinks that Tara does not need a buff? I'm not saying she needs a nerf either, but she most definitely doesn't need a buff.
Supercell just scammed me out of 2800 gems
Y'all are impatient af
Did I say something wrong?
I got 3000 pizzas and i only spend 150 because i thought i would keep them and i wanted to save them and now i will not get the 300 pizza slices because i am part of the bug