When you finally accept your "prime time" is over
Am I tweaking or does it look like rain is back in some of the promotional images for the event?
Snipers why
PSA Assassin’s Creed Shadows players, it takes a long time to unlock Yasuke
Is there a way I can turn off autorun in first person?
It do be like that sometimes. Sorry scotty, it ain't personal.
I think this stock is enough before the update
No more night in clash?
Legendary hunter reveal: Tagilla
Anyone else think we dont need 10 weapon variants for every weapon?
Poison rounds need reworked- could silver bullets be the answer?
Viable Gunrunner loadouts?
How is the current state of the game? Worth it in 2025?
Crytek, PLEASE Do Not Nerf The Frontier, Nagant and Bornheim Silenced
Prescience. - A Prescient Themed Sniping Compliation (Flashing Lights Warning)
New event
Dark Sight Without A Map Icon Is Bad Design
Dead fellows speak too much
First few games learning Ashe and I GOT THE CUTE SPRAY
If you use the silenced weapons for what they're made, which is headshotting people, you shouldn't mind about the nerf.
Maybe this Mosin shotgun conversion? Look like a Frolovka conversion (32ga, 28ga, 24ga, 2-ga and 16ga) Magazine capacity 2+1 or single shotGENERAL i.redd.it
Garden Of the Witch - New Event Coming Soon
Islandboyism becomes infectious
Trap Tools Deserves A Rework, Not A Nerf (Rant)
LPT: If you've been struggling with a dry scalp and dandruff, try using a shower filter (around $20) - this literally changed my life