What’s your most disturbing wiggle pic. Here’s mine. Fuels my nightmares!
Really trying hard to grow grass this year. Tarps, straw, daily watering. I guess I know why it’s not working.
My dog was recently diagnosed with thyroid issues so now we take the same meds
How do you all kick your sweet tooth to the curb?
Is it strange that my 9 year old sister doesn’t know how to tie her shoes?
It’s a high energy house tonight
Shark attack!
Fatigue is so debilitating
A couple of couch potatoes
Say cheese!
People who smoke in no smoking zones.
It’s as close to “privacy” as I’ll ever get
When your thyroid is on strike, but your doctor still sends you to work.
Why all the hate for people who have lost weight with the help of Ozempic?
What’s the most “Velcro dog” breed you’ve known?
“You just haven’t had it made right before”
I love my creepy stalker
Can dogs have autism? Google isn’t giving me a complete answer.
When people use the pharmacy as another checkout lane when the line is super long!
Feel like people don't get it
Do not let yourself run out of meds
Best free shelter “mutt” I’ve ever rescued
Should I get a 2nd opinion?
Eva is such a boopable wiggle butt