Stocking 20 gallon tank
Who is this? (Wrong answers only)
Lady Gaga in NIN sweatshirt
Why even have these?
The new Gaga album, NINfluenced.
didn’t bring lunch today
All of my shifts have been removed????
How much are you making with the newest raise?
New Lady Gaga snippet sounds so NIN. (Not Disease)
This person just lost everything and they're worried over a cat
Y'all think it's going to be busy tomorrow
Was lucky, but unlucky during restock at Walmart
Nine Inch Nails Tour: Ticket Buying/Selling/Trading/Discussion MEGATHREAD
Peel It Back 2025 World Tour
Self harm while hypomanic
I finally adopted a Snom
What is it like trying to sleep with bipolar ?
Psychiatrist admits I’m one of the hardest patients she’s ever had
were you also a warrior cats kid?
about black friday shopping
PetSmart Abuse
I'm sorry, but 34 thunderclan warriors is too damn many.
Bring me another sandwich! Homeless and nursing
what is everyone’s opinion on owning a pet?