Another Gorgeous New 3DS Cover Plate. The designs of these things are immaculate. Kirby!
Adventure Time Collector's Edition for DS. Even comes with the crazy sword stylus! $20 usd. Not a bad pickup.
Finally found a Circle Pad Pro XL for a decent price. Anyone ever use this back in the day with a Nintendo 3DS XL?
Cyberpunk style game pickups! Love the style in media so happy to get a batch of games!
My PS4 game collection!
Does anyone know the best complete guide to rooting and modding the Xperia Play to play PS1 games and emulators? The ones I can find are either from 9 years ago or very poor.
Found this Animal Crossing 3ds XL on marketplace today for just $70 usd! Top screen is broken but easily replaceable.
Some game pickups while on vacation in the islands of Portugal! Pricing was fair as well.
Anyone else like collecting Kid Icarus Uprising Cards? Also finally found a cheap Mario Kart 8 cartridge only!
Another Switch game haul! Some Video Games Plus sales and a cheap FB marketplace find. Neon White, one of the best indie games in recent memory!
Made a lucky find the other week. Japanese collector's edition of Solatorobo that surprisingly didn't cost my soul!
Great Switch game haul. Love getting these indie game physical versions!
Don't usually order online, but I could not find Snoopy on 3DS anywhere! And Kowloon Highschool Chronicle was an impulse buy, but I'm intrigued.
How is a Kirby game in 2024 one of the more rare 3ds games? Wild. Got it for $85 usd.
Getting used Switch Games on marketplace is great. Got both for $30 usd! If you haven't played Sakuna yet I highly recommend it!
Such a random Switch game Haul. Have wanted to play May's Mysteries for a long time, another Professor Layton clone!
Finally found the Xemoblade 2 Pyra & Mythra and Noah & Mio Amiibo for a cheaper price! Been wanting them for a while.
The Legacy Edition of Metroid Samus Returns on 3DS. One of the coolest collectors items I've seen Nintendo put out.
Finally found Cave story 3D with the lenticular cover. Also got another fps game on ds!
Another rare pickup for 3ds! Yokai Watch 2: Psychic Specters. Another down. About 25 to go!
What's everyone playing today?
Anyone else use Gameye as their main source of organizing their collection?
Love Collecting Switch Games. Look at the variety in just this simple haul!
The Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles Echoes of Time Special Edition DSi! Just bought from a local game store for $80 usd!
Love Sony handhelds!