Her first catch. She finally caught one! Poor dove
Showing off my car shade
What's your favorite non Champion Card and why?
Problems clearing Naut Event path
Sad about intended age gap
Choose one of 3 paid relics
Help me choose my 6* champions
Dumb question: "Additional rewards" What does this mean?
From 1997-2006, LB #53 Shelton Quarles was one of the unsung heroes of the Bucs defense. In 2001, he picked off Brett Favre and returned it 98 yards for a TD, a record that still stands today.
Update from the devs on Twitter, spoiler season starts this friday!
4 star Ahri or Yasuo for 5* Voli Titan Adventure
Just started playing. Things to know?
Should I get Jinx or Viktor's 6* power?
Need help with Heimerdinger in 4* Titans Event
Please remove ledros from deadly adventures..
Just a show of support for the devs
what are your thoughts on scales of judgment? Nasus just revealed power?
Want to steal your deck
Should I do it or wait for Mel reveal. She maybe noxus.(I have his relic).
New to this game, could someone tell me about how long it is from the end of the battle pass to the start of the next?
Looking for old fun decks or mechanics
Should I save Nova Crystals
Which PnZ/Runeterra champions are the best to 6 star when you're F2P?
Am I right to assume Pyke 6 star I worse than Evelyn?
Mi yo borracho es cleptomano, que hago?