Single-Income 24-year old dad got pre-approved for 250k USDA guaranteed. Should I buy or continue renting?
How to cope/move on after being sexually assaulted?
Frederick MD vs Richmond VA for a lonely 24 y/o who wants to meet alternative people?
Positive reinforcement and pressure/release?
I (34F) Had a TIA this weekend and I can’t shake the anxiety from it all
Teslas burning in Las Vegas
Just found out we’re having a girl… we have been saving this name but I’m afraid to commit to it??
It’s wild my nation is slipping into an illiberal dictatorship and my life is just normal.
What is this?
Is Reddit’s political profile too high for comfort?
Justin Trudeau’s first selfie as a retired man
I'm sick of my good paying job, I just want to live the blue collar life again.
update on the horse that chronically opens his mouth
Navicular Syndrome
What to do when you just get the urge to buy.
Suing for gross medical negligence
Need suggestions on what to do with boneless skinless chicken thighs to impress.
Saddles, saddles, and more saddles
Any idea what this is?
Birth control?
Thoughts on cavallo hoof boots or boots in general?
In a dollar amount what has your pet cost you in it's lifetime?
Whats a smell that instantly takes you back?
How do I find a man like Hozier?
Women with partners that have long mustaches/beards, what is your opinion on the hairy kissing?