If Jason has no haters, that means I'm dead.
How did you discover the PJO universe? How did you find the books? [general]
There's just no way that we can win, his cards are epic beasts. He duels too well because he's from another time
Yet another new Shadface
If leonidas was in the show what character would you believe to be his perfect partner
Percy Jackson's Stand Riptide Blues
If being unfunny was a contest I’d have a gold medal
[pjo] Percy's Stand Riptide Blues
Can't stop laughing
if you think of it ,Tompa is built different
Difference between Naruto's childhood and Luffy's childhood
Leaf Shinobi Itachi
I did NOT expect that😭
When Donna asks the Doctor to save just one person so he settles for the rich slave-owning family just cuz they're only people he talked to that day
The end of a saga, words do not express the peak I witnessed, god fucking bless
When did you start to read ?
Your last saved image killed zoro, what is it
For The Ones Who Only Watch Anime
Feed me the best stuff Oda ever cooked
[pjo] What are your thoughts on Solangelo?
Someone please activate monster reborn :(
it’s a doggy dog world
Hunter x Hunter facts
I feel like Sally's trauma is overlooked [pjo]
When the Aphrodite Kid has enough.