Clan Recruitment Thread
Hack tool Win32/Winring0
Is it possible to fix this somehow?
help! ive had this industrial piercing for just short of 3 months now and clean it once a day with neilmed spray and use a travel pillow to sleep but the irritation just wont go down! i believe its due to the long bar as it gets easily snagged but can i get it downsized with the bumps?
using anadius and cant seem to use the business and hobbies pack as it just says download to use? anyone got the same problem/now how to fix it?
anyone know what mod could be causing the W's on the bottom and the left? got way too many mods to go through and check them all so was wondering if anyones had the same problem :)
maybe this is stupid - how to stop a 6 month old kitten from jumping on top of a pc?...
Which wave of emo do you think is the best?
My piercing is uneven right?
What side should I get my eyebrow pierced?
New to Emo how am i doing? Any recs?
[FO] After a very long year, I finally finished my Pokemon piece!
want to learn more about socialism through literature, any recommendations?
are these irritations bumps or scaring? how can i get rid of them? had this industrial for 2 months now and have been cleaning it twice a day with neilmed. i spoke to a piercer (not the one who did it no idea about reputability) and she said to use tea tree oil which ive heard mixed things about it
does frank sign mcr stuff?
anyone else had a bad experience with pokastore?
Had this industrial for nearly a month now, is this swelling or irritation? how do i help this go down? ive been cleaning twice a day with contact lens solution and sometimes use jojoba oil but have stopped as it hasnt been doing anything
new collector looking for advice!
flying from london to new jersey next year, any tips on how to deal with the long flight?
as a post hardcore enjoyer who listens to j metal when doing school work what bands would i enjoy?
applying for bimm brighton and brighton uni, any facebook groups/online forums to find friends to house share with?
getting errors on my h100i elite LCD xt, any idea how to fix it? its a brand new build and this happens every time i turn it on, ive got the cpu cooler plugged into cpu_fan however aio_pump does the same.
💎Giveaway💎: 10 Winners, 100M Gems Each [Ends Sunday, October 6, 4PM EST]
Just bought this for fun and got a dlc code if anyone wants it. Just comment your favorite number and I’ll choose a commenter and send you the code via msg