Light House keeping duties
Frequent Periods
Which song tells the best story through it's lyrics?
Husband gave up meat for lent and I need dinner ideas
Did your parents ever hit you growing up? If so, how do you feel about it now?
Dave Ramsey financial peace university
Anyone else hit the FI and rethink the RE?
Are any of you actually against Biden's student loan debt relief, and why?
Would you be interested in having a conversation about how women handle financial matters?
Anyone Else Disappointed They're Getting Rid of Challenges and Trophies?
Purchased Fitbits so family could join work week hustle
At what point do you hire an accountant?
Women of reddit, need some answers, why do you say NO when your partner asks if you want some food(fries, chips etc.) but end up eating from their plate?
What’s your age and something you can’t do?
2023 Check-In - How Much do you Owe?
If you paid off your student loans how would/did you celebrate?
Have any of you donated money and resources while on FIRE journey?
Wives, Are You Nervous Initiating Sex?
People who rarely get sick, what are your secrets?
Pesto… but with different nuts?
Born to be good
Help! The caterer for my brothers wedding tomorrow canceled.
I'm 87% sure no one is real except me and the whole universe is in my mind
Would you make a sex tape with your spouse?
If a woman gave a guy an object in return for an engagement ring, what would it be?