Anyone on here know of any Marines that deserted?
Marines that got kicked out of the Corps for any reason. What was that like?
What goes on here? Genuine question from someone who lives on the opposite side of the country.
After work decompression
School circle Marines......
Bought a co-op in NYC, $745k at 6.125%
Former DIs. Confess to us the time you went too far with a recruit. We want to know.
History is repeating itself
When you see other Marine vets out in civilian world, what is your common greeting of the day?
Is Marine Corps appropriate to give a motivated kiss and a slap on the ass after a PT run?
Veterans who have been out of the Corps for years, do you ever have dreams you're back?
Serious question for those who believe in life after death.
Anti-Trump/Musk Protests Downtown Riverside
Hey Marines! Listen up! I have a time machine! Want to come with me and relive the Corps for 24 hours?
What's wrong with her salute?
Who here wants to admit to being the shit bag of their unit?
Firewatch Rack
Those who are still in the Corps. What's it like in 2025?
What is you biggest regret you have regarding your service time in the Corps?
Have you ever got into a serious argument with a veteran from another branch over the service rivalry?
Female DIs with male recruits now?
Is it done? Is it over?
I jerked off in my room nearly everyday. AMA.
To who it may concern