Give me your insane nerf predictions
Why was Cordelious never picked in the monthly finals?
Should I get Mr p Hiper charge?
Ok, what makes a girl a tomboy?
My hatred for citron has caused me to bm to the moon 😈
Aggro Citron deck I made
Qué música les parece insufrible?
Does somebody knows the scientific name of the cowboy spider?
What you think of my pine leap deck?
Does cupid piper skin give an advantage over other piper skins?
How you dodge Moe's super?
I need help, my harmonica was disarmed by accident, and now it doesn't sound good anymore.
Which key is better for diatonic?
How to dip the center of my tonge for bending?
Megapaca ☠️
Por que le dicen cuques a los soldados y chontes a la PNC?
What's your opinion on the current meta?
Could auto aim fang super be a good idea?
I think fresh kicks star power it's the inferior SP.
What is your opinion on Tara and crow in the meta?
In burnout 3 Is there a difference beetween the Max speed (mph) of the top speed cars (super dominator, us circuit racer, euro circuit racer, world circuit racer?
Does Shelly nerf afected her?
Is nita first gadget buggy?
Penalty kick map Is it a good map or an anoying one?