How much water do you think this plant needs.
Made a plant
My African Violet flowered for the first time ever and it's flowers are so pretty!!
My Rex Begonia has Flowers!!!
Not 100% sure what my pink princess is trying to do here....
There are 14 days in between these two pictures, never before have I stressed this much watching a leaf grow
I bought a Marble Queen Pothos and it had an interloper vine of just green pothos. I let it grow with the Queen for a while but now comes the fun - chop n prop!
Got this for Myself while waiting for a tire to be replaced on my car, heard Begonias can be finicky and never had one, how to best take care of this pretty little thing?
Anybody know what plant this is/can it prop?
Aloe Vera I Rescued from my Mom - Hope I can save it, any advice welcome
Jarrarium I Made Today with Plants from my yard
New Jar Terrarium I Made Today - The most design I've put into one yet, I'm loving this plant art form!
Mini Terrarium, Previously holding succulents, with the Correct plants - This plant loves its home
Made a little succulent terrarium for my mini ones out of a glass I adopted from my grandmom
Made my best friend a mug for his birthday - love how the glazes combined!
Did my 1st Post-mortem Today
Throwing miniature pots on my narrow boat!!
F/28/5'7" [265lbs > 225lbs = 40lbs] (Nearly 1 Year) Second Progress Post, 40lbs down this time!
A tiny Painting that I made today sitting in the palm of my hand. 2x2 inch Acrylics.
F/27/5’7” [265lbs > 245lbs = -20lbs] April 2019 to July 2019. Even just 20lbs makes a difference! And this is just the beginning; this is only the first post I’m making, not the last!
How we are dealing with the cold weather
I'm insane for trying to make everyone's Christmas gifts this year but at least I'm getting a lot of practice centering and making handles!
I'm insane for trying to make everyone's Christmas gifts this year but at least I'm getting a lot of practice centering and making handles! (Cross-Posted with r/Pottery)