Egg moment
Forgot my physical existance
im bored !!! send me ur favorite meme rn
This subreddit used to be cute memes and now it just makes me feel ugly.
Alias appreciation club
Let’s hear what you all have to say!
Button bottom surgery
Better way to eat waffles?
What would you guys say would be good milestones to keep track off?
Does anyone else’s wife do this?
Please stop bullying me, Senpai! [Role Reversal][Bullying][Teasing][Mocking][Verbal Degradation][Maledom][Femsub][Artist: Mark Gavatino]
Just give me infinite storage
Second button from the left acts like i am pressing it even when i don't touch the tablet
A chart for your emotions. My therapist sent me this, it's pretty cool :)
The box isn't going away
How to make bells at night
Women can’t be gamers!
I found multiple of these on my glass door after heavy rain.
Let's start a trend. What is autism meme I made. Swipe right for the template and original infographic.
How about not policing what women wear?
Sexiest character in the game?
Confession: I want to be stomped on my Yomi Hellsmile, that’s all. That’s the post. Help.