Does a hit with a Runecrafted weapon that has both "Cast Level 10 Fire Burst on Hit" and an Essence mod "Cast Level 20 Fire Burst on Hit" able to trigger both spells? Do they share a cooldown?
My buddy convinced me to finally try flicker this league, so glad I did
My recent leveling experience
Build ideas for an Unleash-Diallas-Omni-Annihilating-Light Gambler.
I have transitioned from first state to second one too. Sorry guys.
Call to action: All just stop playing
I feel dumb for supporting Bazaar
Does Glacial Wave (Surfcaster) work with totems that chill?
Do The Repeated Casts From Unleash Benefit From Archmage?
[California] I was just let go and was surprisingly given a severance contract. I'm worried that signing it will release my employer from a previous Workmans-comp obligation.
Looking for a Bossing build that's unique to Phrecia.
How do you reduce the duration of soul gain prevention?
Fairgraves Tricorne does not work with Illegal
2 days into the new event
Permanent 'upgrades'
r/Fantasy State of the Subreddit - Discussion, Survey, and the Banning of Twitter Links
man these citadel bosses are harder than I thought they'd be
Prayers for Rain is Bugged - Doesn't work if you take damage via Pyromantic Pact
Does Demon Stitcher No Longer Trigger Off of Barrier Invocation?
How does "%Life taken before mana" interact with Pyromantic Pact and Infernal Flame?
Is there a way to force energy shield recharge?
I dont get it man
Has GGG made any statement about the number of stolen / hacked accounts being reported?
Why aren't people experimenting in PoE 2?
Market is flooded with best corruptions after reaveal of the bug...