I just got Frozen Tomb. How useful is it during Titans of Runeterra?
Who is best against this?
How to clear the 2nd shurima run on voli.
*Incredible* luck or can happen for real
What other Demacia Champion beside Vayneis good for 6* ED adventure?
I was dangerously close to having fun
Do you think you will 6 star Eddie or Trydanmere?
Weekly Adventures/Nightmares Discussion Post
How to play 3* MF?
Post your hours played
Yi or Fiddle?
On wich champs I can use it?
PSA: Peculiar dragon is a misleading trap.
Stilted Robemaker + Dice can be pretty crazy.
Didn't even know it could give same Champ shards from diamond vault
Recommend power for fiddle against 6.5* fiddle?
4 star Ahri or Yasuo for 5* Voli Titan Adventure
Build for 6* Nautilus on titan and non titan adventures?
4 Star Fiddle vs 6.5 Liss first try
thank you POC devs for giving us this weekly right after nasus constellation