Should there be an Undertale movie
Are yall team T Perm or team Jb Perm?
Reveal the 4th picture in your camera roll (sigma check)
lil check in here
Why are bigger cubes usually curved with bigger edge pieces ?
Twisty Timer is fishy.
what is it for you?
Guess my main even based on the collection
What way did you play sonic 3 and knuckles🤔
youll get it eventually
Do rdr fans even play their games?
i left my horse alone without a lead for 10 minutes, and it turned itself into jerky
type "sonic is" and then let auto correct finish the sentence (image kinda related)
type "dutch wants me to ... " and let the autocorrect finish the rest
How do I get the mythical unicorn?
How do you feel about this?
Sonic Unleashed edged out Sonic 1! What’s the best mainline sonic game? Day 11
This is just beyond disrespectful.....
Be honest. What were your first reactions?
“SoNiC uNlEaShEd Is ThE lAsT tImE sEgA cArEd”
Will you continue to play rdr2 even after the release of GTA VI ?
What did the moon do to deserve that😭
If you had the ability to SAVE and LOAD within real life, what would you be doing with such an ability?
Why do they have boats outside the map if your never expected to use them
Which pill would you take?