H: Have a glowing honey bee I’d like to giveaway so if you would like it please comment your GT and tell me what your favorite thing about fallout 76 is :) W: I’ll be choosing the winner when I get off work tonight good luck everyone!
Anyone else dying in PvP to ppl 1 shotting them with a shield??
Am I the only one who finds the glowing jackalope to be ugly? Don’t understand the hype around it lol
H: glowing honeybee, glowing pig, and glowing SBQ W: other glowing masks
H: Glow Bigfoot W: glow jackalope or glow abe
H: trade W: courier
H: glow Bigfoot W: glow jackalope or glow Abe
I 100%'d monster Hunter world, ask me anything.
It’s been nearly 5 months since Evo Mega Knight released. No balance changes so far. What would you suggest?
2A warehouse
Anyone else have a holosun pi.d?
Should I continue upgrading this deck?
mega knight evolution fails its own demo after the supposed bug fix
H: hag, buffoon, forest scout mask, demon, loon W: white powder jumpsuit
H: hag, buffoon, demon, and forest scout mask W: white powder jumpsuit
H: buffoon, hag, demon, and forest scout mask W white powder jump suit 4:1
H: uny armour W: Offers
H:photo w:apparel
H:caps W:princess backpack plan
H: 2 glow turkey, glowing pig, loon, buffoon, demon, hag, winterman W: glow uni PLEASE
No more nuking next fas
W: winterman t45 helmet H:caps
H: glow robot fiend and hag W: glow uni. I have a courier ready
W: courier H: trade