Catching up on my backlog !
Purchasing TTF2
I think I found Hazard's icon/spray
The crew if one piece was PEAK (image ain't mine)
How about we get the story mission this skin was obviously made for Blizzard?
Luffy is the ONLY person that can… (Ch. 1113 spoilers)
When you get cocky after a team kill, but karma's a bitch.
Leaders and their Signature Pokémon
Day 150 of fusing every Gen 1 pokemon into one by adding the idea from the top comment. Charmander baby! (150/152)(98,68%) Charizard or Charmeleon?
Am I the only one who doesn't care about Luffy saying he wants 10 crew members?
If you can see them in a Lantern Corps, which one it be?
Calm luh 5K
I'm so confused on how to say her name
Day 89 of fusing every Gen 1 pokemon into one by adding the idea from the top comment. Slowbros shell thing swallowed Machokes arm. (89/151)(58,94%)
Who are generation 2's most forgotten Pokémon?
Day 84 of fusing every Gen 1 pokemon into one by adding the idea from the top comment. Horseas snout has been added to Doduo. (84/151)(55,63%)
Day 82 of fusing every Gen 1 pokemon into one by adding the idea from the top comment. Venesaurs flower is now part of Onix tail. (82/151)(54,30%)
What do you think the cutest Pokemon is?
Thought this was real 😭 credit:yoshiisworld on tik tok
I 1v1ed a doom as brig and won
What would be YOUR line if Ana nano’ed you?
Is the water from a water type Pokémon safe for human consumption?
Bro wanted a free ride
Charged $14 For “Still Water” At Restaurant - Thoughts?