H: Leaders W: to set up a time to get EN06 carried in about 6 hrs
H: 1400 leaders W: responder fireman set
H: leaders W: First responders (full outfit)
H: 10c bounty W: someone to get it
W: ballistic bock H: what do you want?
H: Food Buffs W: Leaders
H: 100 leaders W: some canned coffee, cranberry relish, and brain bombs (will give more leaders depending on amount of each you give)
H: 1.4k sunshine oil W: offers
H: Leaders W: Ballistic Bock and Sunshine Oil
H:GBigfoot W: Responders Fireman Set
H: 1500 Canned Coffee, 500 Sugar, 350 Rad Bombs, 300 Pepper, 200 Salt, 150 Spices, 50 Canned Meat Stew. W: Offers in Leaders or AA/B Holy Fires.
H: GVeggie, GUni, GSBQ, GRobot,GPig,GHB,GBD, GAlien, and Responders outfit (not pictured) W: Apparel or Consumables
[XB1] H: leaders W: rare apparel or legacy’s no masks plz
H:3k snaptail reeds W: offers
H:Rare Apparel W:Gsbq,Gbd,or offers
H:Glowing Bigfoot mask+hag W:Glowing veggie
H: leaders and caps w: sugar bombs
W: vg3 plans and looking for rad ant logger h: rare mask
H: Glowing Masks W: Responder Fireman Helmet
H: G abe W: 1.2k leaders
W: ghb and gsb H: Leaders, mods, food and chems
H: glowing sbq and turkey w: leaders
H: 343 Pepper 176 Salt 129 Spices 118 Sugar 450 Glowing Blood W: Leader offers
H: Leaders. W: 2 Severe beta wave tuner, 1 forceful stock and 2 pyromaniac mods.
H: red asylum dress W: leaders or offers including fcjs