What pipe is this for? Side of townhouse and never seen water drips from this pipe before.
If you received 34 on FAR. Should I continue to study?
PSA: if you scored a 70-74 and your score report shows weaker for sims
Government Employee. About to get RIF’ed. Advice needed.
Are accountants like mall cops?
Take the FAR next week or not?
What did you do last week?
Fired from IRS need advice.
If you quit accounting, what job would you do?
IRS expected to fire about 6,000 workers in the middle of tax season
Job market for accounting
Accounting majors, did you minor in anything?
Question about EPS
How much do Electricians really make in DMV area?
How much snow on Tuesday?
caseware help
Can tax be AI-ed out?
What jobs other than accounting you have on your mind?
What does the path to a successful non-traditional accounting career look like?
For non-native English speakers, how long has it taken you to pass a section so far?
FAR on March 8th and I’m fked..
FP&A? Stay in Audit? Go for tax?
How many of you are planning on quitting your jobs?
Memo from OPM concerning new hires.
I feel so bad for my wife