Batman By Tynion IV Omnibus
What does Invincible do better than Marvel and DC?
DC Bullet Logo Sticker For Old Omnibuses
[US/IN] [H] Deadpool And Cable Omnibus [W] PayPal
Same person btw
[US/IN] [H] Fantastic Four by Byrne Omnibus Vol. 1 [W] PayPal
[US/IN] [H] Thor By Jason Aaron Omnibus Vol. 1, Captain Marvel By Kelly Thompson Omnibus Vol. 1 [W] PayPal
Punisher MAX Omnibus Vol. 2 news?
Invincible Library Vol. 3 Reprint Update?
heavy on mirror’s edge
Random thought: what if Jacknife wearing blue was a deliberate design choice to signify he's working with the "blues"
Got lucky with the last DD Miller Omnibus on Amazon
Who are the most intelligent villains of Marvel Comics?
Speak of the Devil and he shall appear
Avengers By Busiek Omnibus
[US/IN] [H] The Walking Dead Omnibus Vol. 1-8 [W] PayPal
Star Wars TOR Omnibus Question
Batman Omnibus
Updated Shelfy!!
What do you think?
Best Deadpool Omnibus?
Marvel was evil for this issue, making me care so much for a character that will never appear again
It is me, or all scene Capt. America use his wing where epic?
Namor slander is crazy in this game 💀