Am I allowed to bring this to BMT?
BOP looking for info on the south
Information on the pipeline and how things are changing or have changed
what's the minimum bonus $$$ amount would you need to sign a 6 year contract?
Missing CAC, AF Reserves
Holiday Sadness
ASVAB air force score green card jobs
Depth perceptions
To bulk or go down in body fat then increase weight
343rd instructors, is this the standard? What sort of example is being set
Cross training into aircrew
Air Force to army
Long ago, CE lived in harmony... All of that changed when the EPB arrived.
Got booked for a job I don’t really want. WTD
Recruiter wont work with me until i meet the minimum weight.
Peanut butter shot
I’ve been operational for over 2 years, ask me anything about basic, tech school or bases
Ram 1500