Your thoughts?
First game that comes to mind when you see this most iconic PlayStation splash screen?
name(s) you were going to use, but didnt?
Name change nsw
How cooked are you?
peeing standing up?
For people who are familiar with sonic the hedgehog:how did you react when you saw this?
Fortnite Buddies?
Why do some trans men are like this?
Do I ditch Zelda?
What is the first thing that comes to mind when you see this
Started bleeding. Help
Erm posted on nsfw subreddit for the first time
What the hell kind of screw is this
Just threw away all of mine and it felt liberating.
Is that gay
how often do you jerk off?
y’all ever had to raw dog a urinal no stp?
How tall are you guys? Height check!!
Annoying transguy writing tropes
Why are FTM Influencers like this
Explain a videogame badly and some else has to guess the game
What to bring to IUD insertion?
I will write everyone who comments in the next 24 hours username on a massive piece of paper