How would Nicole React to a trans Girl
People who have done certs have you actually learnt anything or was it just for the qualification
I just saw some clips from amazon wtf i thought kamen rider was for kids
Why cant i get king among kings
The author mentioned something about march any news or info?
Choose wisely.
Crazy ass fight, who do you think wins?
I'm a moderate leaning convervative. I want to understand boths sides why do so many liberal people find what trump did during the negotiation with trunp problematic?
Can someone help me find a korean dub of ooo?
20 usd bounty on kamen rider OOO korean dub
RI should never be unbanned
[Mythic item obtained] did the artist change
Did the artist for mythic item change?
Best chapter of the manga that I've read yet
Forgetting sunny
Is there any known ways to kill yokai in folklore?
Tower of God will never be the same !!!!
new site
Toothbrush scene is way more degenerate in the manga 🙏
Top 5 most Rawest fights in the series
What anime character’s natural demeanor reminds you of Nephis the most? I'll go first
Was sunny gonna get jumped ch 1742
I desperately want to read this novel but i can't get past the first 10 chapters any tips?
in the manga/anime monster what brand of whiskey does johan liebert make richard drink
[DISC] Chainsaw Man - Ch. 164 links