The most frustrating part about trading is that we already had a perfect currency for it.
Vuescan Not Downloading Drivers
Recording on Cassette via Telephone Mic
Developing at Home Questions
3D Printing a Film Strip Holder?
3D Printed Film Strip Holders?
My story + quotes that helped me move on after my GF of 4 years moved on in less than 48 hours. I hadn't even moved any of my stuff out. Please add quotes that have helped you in the comments.
Lost Silent Hill 2 save data
Doing Anything Feels Pointless Without Her
Why Do I Never Feel Satisfied in Relationships? I want to love someone.
Never Satisfied in Relationships
I (M21) just started talking to this girl (F21) this week. Last night, she freaked out on me for still using Hinge.
I (M21) just started talking to this girl (F21) this week. She freaked out on me last night for still using Hinge.
I (21M) have trouble dealing with the romantic pasts of my partner(s)
Please help me get through this week REALLY NEED ADVICE
(M20) broke up with my gf (20F) of 5.5 years last week. When is the right time to see other people?
I (M20) broke up with my gf (20F) of 5.5 years last week. When is the right time to see other people?
I (20M) ended things with my gf (20F) after 5.5 years. What’s the right time for me to start meeting people?
My girlfriend (F20) and I (M20) just ended things after 5.5 years. How long until I can respectfully see other people?
How long should I wait after my breakup to get with other people?
My (20M) long distance gf (20F) has jealousy problems that are making me question our relationship.
Their proof for this was a chatter saying "is he a Hasanabihead?" and Hasan goin "I dunno maybe"
I was the guy from stream that debated Matt Walsh. Feel free to AMA :)
if the dude who bodied matt walsh is on this sub, i love you