Kaleidos Cloud Lab Lip Clays - Rubino vs. Smeared Rouge
85% of people who live to 100 are women. What's their secret?
Ladies, what did you do physically or mentally that instantly made you more attractive?
Severe vitamin C deficiency on a plant-based diet... very confusing
what is the dumbest mistake you’ve made in assuming something is gluten free?
Be brutally honest: What’s the hardest part of being a mom that no one warned you about?
Anyone have thoughts on flour being suspended in air?
Would you be ok with spending $4 on an iced coffee everyday if it kept your mental health in check?
Do you ever get tired of cooking?
Fuck doctors who blame physical symptoms on ANXIETY
Any balanced meal suggestions for a college student?
I don't care about taste. I want the most nutritious, easiest meal possible.
What’s a common food that people think is healthy but really isn’t?
Hellmann's Light Mayo / Other Light Mayos and foods
does walking a bit everyday improve stamina?
Watch out for potholes
Your healthy (but very cheap) grocery list?
Why is it that I can spend my entire day doing everything except programming?
Why does HR get paid more than CPAs?
What does your sciatica feel like?
What’s for dinner, and what’s it, part 2
Has anyone figured out lunch yet??
But why?