New to me FT-857D low power output on LSB/USB no problems on CW bad mic?
Yaesu repair options/experiences with sending a radio back to Yaesu USA (FT857D) looking for help.
Adjusted the EFHW... Added a 35 ish foot counterpoise wire. Here's where we are at is it safe for my FT-857 until I get a tuner? Also why is 30 meters sky high? I took about 3 feet out of a 67 foot wire.
So I made my first HF QSO last night, fired up and found someone working phone on 10M. Amateur radio... Bounce RF off the ionosphere and talk to strangers far away... Guess who I found?
People who adopted from a shelter, what made you choose that cat?
EFHW high SWR readings after connecting to house run of coax... What to do?
Oh look no holes! My first antenna install. (Didn't wanna drill any holes into the house)40-10 EFHW
Everyone send George good luck! 🦷
Needing info hon how to tune an antenna between 150mhz-168mhz
Snagged some Ultraflex 7 and Evo series connectors. This should be a dream to install.
Is ULS down down also?
MFJ Enterprises Support - Inbox Full
Can I use a splitter on the 6 pin mini din from my FT857? Trying to split the PTT lead to use a SDR switch and digirig at the same time.
How did I do for my first EFHW?
Running an EFHW in my attic for RTL-SDR and maybe an occasional HF session before I get my EFHW put up outside. Have some questions...
What I woke up to find this morning…all the way across the room
Should I be worried that this area is pretty swollen up
This one time I was changing the dryer vent at my in-laws and our orange boy ( RIP :( ) took it upon himself to shove his head through the wall...
Biggest bang for the buck.
3D printed Vertical antenna element bracket
Looking for a Small Radio with VFO
What is the opinion of Amateur Radio in 2025? Also, how does a 30 year old actually enter into conversation?
So other than completely botching soldering the SO239 by melting it how's my 49:1 look?
PSA: Change your 50 amp fuse
Just before I took this picture they were both sleeping side by side. Shake was hanging off the edge and woke up almost falling out of the cat tree.