Kids do not know about the stash
Heartwarming story… we almost found 151 in stock at the vending machine.
Staying in Osaka for 6 months how do I make friends?
Got one extra ticket for Sumo on 18th if anybody wants to join
Hanging items on walls at home
Prerelease Raichu?
Aircon heating
Question about bath etiquette
Why gyms are almost impossible to join as a foreigner in Osaka ?
After 300 hours and 13k, I'm finally finished. (I think)
Psa slabs are just as easily broken people.
Considering move to Osaka; need rental advice
So a PSA Card Is Stolen… But $25 Makes It Legit Again?
Next creditor update 31st March 25
Planning a move to Osaka next year. Advice wanted.
is osaka amazing pass worth it?
Moving to Osaka for 10 months
Snow trip advice trip needed!
Just pulled.
Urgently needing an interpreter for tomorrow morning (Japanese<>English)
umeda taco bell
Jlpt N4 without N5
Getting some wood cut.
Best way to store this?
Give it to me straight, does this have po10tial