I love r/teenagers
May I haveth thee alpha memes?
Autism pictures… NOW!
You don't have to hear me out, I'm actually so sick dude (not in a good way)
Gimme some weird images causeineedkarma
Volume up 😔
what was the thing that made you react like these?
What's one opinion you have that everyone your age would disagree?
Why are all soda ads so weird 😭😭😭
Is she conventionally attractive?
Have a glass of blue emojis!
100 robux giveaway! :>
I could use some assistance, Petah.
Type in "I have explosive ___" and let auto complete finish it
Quest 2 randomly jerking my perspective to a different place.
Petah, why is that hand trying to touch me????
How long should I wait until I replace the battery?
I swear i’m gonna get a tattoo of him on my thigh
There is no way in hell I got downvoted for saying that
Ok, hear me out guys.
Words autocorrecting to misspelled versions?
I have some left over robux from designing my avatar, comment your username and follow reapvxz! (Ignoring new accounts created recently or if you have no posts because of bots)
an actually real giveaway
Empanada? :3
Does anybody know what media type is left out?