Offering 9 limited skins plus 241K red star rings for fake gold sonic, comment or DM's if interested
Selling skins and chaos
Offer for any one of these?
Got her for 7.5k rsr in the trading hub, W or L?
Based on how each of the recent waves have included reissued members of the chaotix, i believe there is a very high chance that charmy will be rereleased in the near future
which of the original 13 do you think is the most underutilized / underdeveloped.
I’ve been seeing complaints about how the primes in the new toy line have earth vehicle modes instead of cybertronian ones. What’s your thoughts about this?
I got this guy for 7k
Rate my limited skins collection!
Custom Perfect Chaos Figure
You wall into a Thrift store and see this in the toy aisle, but you can only get 3, what will it be?
Boxy boo is dead
Got this trail for 2000 on the trading hub, how much is it worth?
Looking for series knuckles
How good of a deal is Reaper Metal Sonic (not the fast pass one) for less than 5k?
Looking for fake gold knuckles offering 35k rsr
I Need help with customizing
How much is luminosity Rouge worth??
Credit Where It's Due, Gamefam
What are these 2 rouges?
Skybound #18 3-page preview
Looking to sell (or trade) these skins! (And a red shadow omochao)
How much is one of these chao's worth?