Are engineers in Canada underpaid?
How to go about telling a woman you chose someone else?
Sales & Anxiety about burden of performance
How do you build trust in sales?
Send your birthday if you'd like a reading (not an ad)
9's are meant for sales.
What does it mean when one sees 333?
Anyone else love telling a girl what to wear?
Can you guess where these people are from?
2025 is going to be a 2 personal year for me, what should i expect?
Am I a life path number 11 or 2?
Sadly, this sub looks kind of dead... What are your life's path and personal year you are getting into 2025? I'm life 7 going to my year 1
Life path 1 in personal year 22 in 2025
I’m a black man and Indians in Canada treat me horribly!
Going into my 9th personal year. I’m scared
Life Path 5
Dating preferences in the black community
Are balkans white?
My Camry is at 304k miles. How long can it go?
Tell me sleezy sales tactics you do. Be honest
Life path 9 in need of help
9 so many 9s show up in our relationship. And the relationship currently is chaos.
Confession: as a black person, it’s extremely hard for me to like Indian people, because they’re all extremely rude to me
is your 20’s the best time of life?
How many of y’all are job hoppers? Be honest