Missing Gwent Cards
Soon, my journey will begin.
How long can this game take?
Cute cat though
30,000 on my girl ⚡️
My Scorching Knight for Season 17
Started playing the game a few days ago and absolutely fell in love with its beauty.
Just saw this in the Last of Us and it reminded me of the album ‘Animals’
Pros vs cons of playing with me
S11 was a good one, see you next on Olympus ⚡️
I don't know if reddit likes these, but I made a little edit out of a couple small clips I got!
Quick squad wipe with my favorite girl!
I started playing a couple of months ago, and I finally decided to main Lifeline. She just feels... right. Got my first 2K damage game with her!
Beginner PC player looking for chill quad mates
need somebody to have fun with
I made a Lifeline Fanart where she‘s doing her hair 🖤
22 / F / Console looking for chill teammates
Using heals to cancel certain legend tactical animations (Valkyrie, Wraith, and Bloodhound)
I main Lifeline because I have more faith in my teammates than I do in myself
What is something that a fictional chacter said that stuck with you ? [SERIOUS]
A simple question , what's the best shotgun to use ?
Sometimes I like to use my teammates as bait
What celebrity death will genuinely upset you?
Rare footage: PK doing more than 9 damage